100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
USB interface – Modbus comunication
·0 – 25 LPM outlet flow rate range
·Outlet pressure: 1-2 bar (gauge)
·Outlet gas temperature (nominal)
= above ambient tempeture (+ 30°C)
·Inlet gas: Use N2 or Air compressed
at 25 (± 5) °C ; 1-2 bar (gauge)
– Wide particle size range (2.5 nm† – 400 nm)
– High concentrations (> 1 x 107 #/cm)
– Remote data logging (USB, LAN)
– Stable and repeatable (±1% GSD; GMD)
– One-touch presets for quick select size modes with customisable settings
Temperature Settings: (Mode 1: 1000°C, Mode 2: 1100°C)
(Optional High Temperature: 1400°C)
As Simple as
Pressing a Button
°Silver Particle Generator generates solid silver aerosols used for calibrating particle counters, emission studies, and air quality research an easy and effective way.
– Standardisation and Compliance Testing:
(ISO 27891,15900,CENS)
-Nanoparticle Generation and
– PCRF & VPR validation and PN-PEMS
– Aerosol Technology
– Advanced Materials Research
– Environmental and Health Impact Studies
Practical Example
To generate spherical silver particles of sizes 2 – 100 nm, you can use our instruments in the following setup:
Combination of SPG and S8000 generates spherical, thermally stable silver particles with up to 100 nm electrical mobility diameter (confirmed by TEM)
Resulting aerosols are similar to a classical double tube furnace setup
Sintering behavior described by Ku et al., 2006, confirmed:
- First sintering occurs around 100 °C
- Above 400 °C sintering temperature no change in electrical mobility diameter observable
No effect on CPC calibration (d50 = 10 nm) for sintering temperatures 400 – 700 °C